Category: Trumpet Music

  • Trumpet Warm-ups: A Beginner’s Guide

    Trumpet Warm-ups: A Beginner’s Guide

    Warming up is important. This site is about helping you become a better Trumpet player, and some kind of daily warm-up routine is key to making that happen. As with any other physical activity there are gains to be made by getting yourself ready to play. If you were getting ready to play a sport,…

  • Trumpet Warm-Up #5

    Trumpet Warm-Up #5

    This warm-up is intended for use by players working to develop their range. Our goals include extending that range towards C above the staff. Warm up every day and get comfortable with all of these notes. When this warm-up seems too easy extend some of the higher exercises upward. If you’re really serious about playing…

  • Trumpet Warm-Up #4

    Trumpet Warm-Up #4

    This warm-up is intended for use by players working to develop their range in the staff. Our goals include extending that range towards G at the top of the staff. Warm up every day and get comfortable with all of these notes. When this warm-up seems too easy go back to the TrumpetHeroes Warm-ups main…

  • Trumpet Warm-Up #3

    Trumpet Warm-Up #3

    This Warm-up is intended for use by players working to develop their range in the staff. Our goals include extending that range towards E in the staff. Warm up every day and get comfortable with all of these notes. When this warm-up seems too easy go back to the TrumpetHeroes Warm-Ups main post and select…

  • Trumpet Warm-Up #2

    Trumpet Warm-Up #2

    This Warm-up is intended for use by beginning players with limited range. Our goals include extending that range towards C in the staff. Warm up every day and get comfortable with all of these notes. When this warm-up seems too easy go back to the TrumpetHeroes Warm-Ups main post and find Warm-Up #3.

  • Trumpet Warm-Up #1

    Trumpet Warm-Up #1

    This Warm-up is intended for use by beginning players with very limited range. Our goals include extending that range towards G in the staff. Warm up every day and get comfortable with all of these notes. When this warm-up seems too easy go back to the TrumpetHeroes Warm-Ups main post and select Warm-Up #2.